We understand that find the best Contract Projects may not that easy
AltMass helps you get the most out of your searches on the platform.
We know how important it is to find the best crafts, handwork or freelance projects for contractors. We’ve provided features and information on the Search Page so you can easily find freelance or crafts projects online and connect with employers who need your skills and services. We have you covered.
Find products
Search for Skills: If you’re looking for items that fit a specific skill, use the search box directly. You can find results that include the exact terms you’re looking for by placing quotation marks around your search terms. For example, “PHP Development” will show projects that have the exact phrase “PHP Development” in the project title. Similarly, to exclude a keyword from the search, use a hyphen (no spaces) before the word. For example, searching for “PHP -development” will only show projects or products that have PHP in their name but not the word development.
Category-based hunting: If you have multiple skills in a category, select a category and subcategory to see all items at once, or items related to that subcategory. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, select Design & Art > Graphic Design and you’ll see all projects related to graphic design, including logo design, page design, brochure design, and more. Saved Searches: If you search for certain items frequently, use Saved Searches to save your searches (keywords, filters, categories, etc.) for later reference.
Check if the project is available
Advance filters: Filter your search results by employer budget, proposal salary, location, and project Proposal to find projects that fit your needs.
Employer Name: Find employers with a recognized payment system, indicated by a green card.
You can add shortlisted projects to your favorite (click the star icon), Send Proposal, and follow up on projects you want.
You can find suitable projects under the “Potential Prospects” tab
Invitation-only projects: Find projects you have been invited to join (by the employer) and send them a shoutout without using the contest. Project Matching: Find projects that best match the skills and resources you have listed in your AltMass profile.
Apply: To apply for the project
If you are interested in the project, please apply. Just click the “Send Proposal” button under to the project or add the project to your favorites and apply from there. Your preferences will help you keep track of the products you want.
After you apply, you can make changes later after talking to your employer. Proposal is required to apply and is a simple three-step process:
1. Set up payment terms:
- a) Choose the right payment term: Depending on the nature of the project and your workload, you can choose from four payment terms:Fixed price – Create value for your project. Set deadlines and fees for everything that matters. This is ideal for projects with larger budgets.
Hourly – Define the hourly rate and maximum time required per week. Invoices are generated weekly based on working hours. This is ideal for projects that need to be flexible in response to changing project specifications.
Task-based – Create and assign tasks based on temporary contract needs. You can pay for the work once the project is complete. This is ideal for projects where cost tracking is done at a single operational level. Upfront Payment – Use this option to set up a product as upfront payment. Payments can be made weekly, biweekly, or monthly. This is ideal for early stage fixed budget projects.
- e) project Updates: You can set the frequency of sharing project updates with your employer. This helps foster good communication and collaboration between employers and contractors.
- b) Set AltMass wallet Balance: AltMass wallet helps create transparency on the platform. This is a common fund funded by the employer before the employee starts work. It gives contractors the assurance that the money is available, while giving employers the security of knowing they can review the work before paying. Set a minimum balance you need to have in AltMass wallet before you start working.
- c) Set up automatic payments: To simplify the payment process, you can set the dates your employer needs to pay invoices sent from AltMass wallet.
- d) Split Project Costs: With the new Split Costs feature, you can now more easily define your project budget and work according to your needs. We now Proposal contractors the option to share up to 5% of production costs with their employers. Depending on your membership type, you can reduce your business costs to zero:
Price sharing productsNote: Employers are charged a 2% transaction fee when paying invoices. However, if they pay by electronic check or wire transfer, they can get 100% of their transaction fee refunded, which helps them save on transaction fees. We recommend encouraging your employer to pay by using card payment or wire transfer and sharing the project costs with you to maximize the benefits of the transaction.
2. Define the work:
Clearly describe your understanding of the project.Include your route, deliverables, and deadline. You can also submit relevant documentation.
3. Complete the proposal:
- a) Make a Proposal: Improve your proposal based on the advertised price to increase its visibility among other proposals. Special bonus terms are highlighted in green for easy visibility by employers.
- c) Do private work: You and your employer can now do private work on AltMass if the project requires it. If a private transaction is made, the details of the item will never be added to your profile and will not affect your rating on AltMass.
- b) Share Contact Details: You can now choose to share your email id and phone number in your applications so that you can contact your employer faster.
- d) Enable Automatic Acceptance: When an employer accepts your application, you can be hired immediately. This will allow you to set up your studio and start working immediately.
How it Work
- The Proposal will be sent to the employer along with your full work schedule. The Every Time Business Profile shows your work history with AltMass and helps employers understand your reliability and suitability for the project. This includes past earnings, top shareholders, compensation costs, and more. If you haven’t paid for your work on AltMass, all business profiles will not appear. Proposals without historical data will indicate a lack of self-identification by the Contractor. Certified professionals are 6x more likely to be hired on AltMass. So make sure you complete your verification process on AltMass before sending your next proposal.
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